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Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0

SynopsisSecure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0, available at Fre...
Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0  No.1

Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.4, with 12 lectures, based on 619 reviews, and has 23312 subscribers.

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You will learn about Build applications that have a login page This course is ideal for individuals who are A Javascript front-end developer that wants to add authentication to his application It is particularly useful for A Javascript front-end developer that wants to add authentication to his application.

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Title: Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0

Price: Free

Average Rating: 4.4

Number of Lectures: 12

Number of Published Lectures: 12

Number of Curriculum Items: 12

Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 12

Original Price: Free

Quality Status: approved

Status: Live

What You Will Learn

  • Build applications that have a login page
  • Who Should Attend

  • A Javascript front-end developer that wants to add authentication to his application
  • Target Audiences

  • A Javascript front-end developer that wants to add authentication to his application
  • In this course, the students will learn how to build a basic React Js application and how to add authentication to it by using the free Auth0 service.? Starting with a blank application from create-react-app, three routes will be added so the users can login, logout and view their profile.

    Course Curriculum

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Lecture 1: Hello, my name is

    Chapter 2: Web Application Authentication

    Lecture 1: Traditional Authentication

    Lecture 2: Authentication with OAuth 2.0

    Lecture 3: Tokens and JWTs

    Chapter 3: Setup a ReactJS Application

    Lecture 1: Create Your Auth0 Account

    Lecture 2: Application Demo

    Lecture 3: Build a Basic React Application With 3 Pages

    Chapter 4: Add Authentication to Application

    Lecture 1: Login Screen

    Lecture 2: Parse the Server Response

    Lecture 3: Logout Button

    Lecture 4: Show Profile Page

    Chapter 5: Wrapping Up

    Lecture 1: Closing and Thank You For All The Fish


  • Secure Your ReactJs Applications With Auth0  No.2
    Joel Lord
    Javascript junkie, technology enthusiast, tinkerer.
  • Rating Distribution

  • 1 stars: 16 votes
  • 2 stars: 15 votes
  • 3 stars: 89 votes
  • 4 stars: 224 votes
  • 5 stars: 275 votes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How long do I have access to the course materials?

    You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.

    Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?

    Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!