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Customer Service Training - Keys To Satisfy Your Customers

SynopsisCustomer Service Training | Keys To Satisfy Your Customers, a...
Customer Service Training - Keys To Satisfy Your Customers  No.1

Customer Service Training | Keys To Satisfy Your Customers, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.5, with 12 lectures, based on 436 reviews, and has 3622 subscribers.

You will learn about Customer Service Channels Customer Service Skillsets Call Center Management Customer Service Career Path Zappos Successful Story This course is ideal for individuals who are Customer Service Department Management or Beginner in Customer Service or being interested in joining Customer Service as the career or Looking for a solution to your customer service department or Find a job in customer service or Learn new skills or Call Center Management It is particularly useful for Customer Service Department Management or Beginner in Customer Service or being interested in joining Customer Service as the career or Looking for a solution to your customer service department or Find a job in customer service or Learn new skills or Call Center Management.

Enroll now: Customer Service Training | Keys To Satisfy Your Customers


Title: Customer Service Training | Keys To Satisfy Your Customers

Price: Free

Average Rating: 4.5

Number of Lectures: 12

Number of Published Lectures: 12

Number of Curriculum Items: 12

Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 12

Original Price: Free

Quality Status: approved

Status: Live

What You Will Learn

  • Customer Service Channels
  • Customer Service Skillsets
  • Call Center Management
  • Customer Service Career Path
  • Zappos Successful Story
  • Who Should Attend

  • Customer Service Department Management
  • Beginner in Customer Service or being interested in joining Customer Service as the career
  • Looking for a solution to your customer service department
  • Find a job in customer service
  • Learn new skills
  • Call Center Management
  • Target Audiences

  • Customer Service Department Management
  • Beginner in Customer Service or being interested in joining Customer Service as the career
  • Looking for a solution to your customer service department
  • Find a job in customer service
  • Learn new skills
  • Call Center Management
  • In Customer Service Training Course, you’ll learn everything you need to get started with Customer Service such as Definition, Type, the Skillset required to be successful and Customer Service Operation Management. We’ll work together discuss the following 4 chapters:

    1. Customer Service Overview– You will understand the definition, common type of customer service and its importance to the company.

    2. Customer Service skillsets – In this chapter, I will share skillsets that required to be fulfilled if you want to follow with Customer Service as your career and how to develop them for your career path. We will discuss how to deal with complaints, which are day-in, day-out things you need facing.

    3. Call Center Metrics– This chapter will be the metrics and KPIs we need to know for a call center operation to make sure it runs smoothly. I will share knowledge about Customer Sentiment Score, along with the social listening tool, which is so important for companies to prevent social crisis and build a good and long term relationship with the customer.

    I have attached the HC calculation formula on the course resource, with which you can calculate the number of headcounts (HC) needed for your team to operate well the CS team based on other indicators like required SLA, average contact volume, average handling time, etc.

    4. Small Project– It will be Zappos story, which has been well-known for their excellent customer service. We will discuss which factors making them successful in customer service.

    If you’re a complete beginner to Customer Service, interested in joining this field or who is looking for a solution to your customer service department, this course is for you. Hopefully, you’ll find something under “Customer Service Training Course” that’s useful for your career path or business.

    Who am I?

    My name is Nghia Tran (English name is Jack) – I’m an international customer service expert working in some areas such as Travel OTA and Online Education. With 5 years of experience in customer since I was a second-year student, I want to share all knowledge and experience in customer service, with the development in career path from Customer Service intern agent to a Customer Service Expert (or maybe from Junior level to the management/chief level).

    Let’s explore the Customer Service Training Course now!

    Course Curriculum

    Chapter 1: Customer Service Overview

    Lecture 1: 1. Introduction

    Lecture 2: 2. Customer Service Definition

    Lecture 3: 3. Call, Email & Live chat Support

    Lecture 4: 4. Other support channels

    Lecture 5: 5. Other types of CS

    Lecture 6: 6. Customer Service Role

    Chapter 2: Customer Service Skillsets

    Lecture 1: 7. Skillset for Customer Service

    Lecture 2: 8. How to deal with complaints

    Lecture 3: 9. CS career path

    Chapter 3: Customer Service Operation Management

    Lecture 1: 10. CS metrics

    Lecture 2: 11. Customer Sentiment Score

    Chapter 4: Ending Project

    Lecture 1: 12. Ending project


  • Customer Service Training - Keys To Satisfy Your Customers  No.2
    Jack Tran
    Online Teacher – Love Sharing Knowledge
  • Rating Distribution

  • 1 stars: 8 votes
  • 2 stars: 9 votes
  • 3 stars: 59 votes
  • 4 stars: 169 votes
  • 5 stars: 191 votes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How long do I have access to the course materials?

    You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.

    Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?

    Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!